By day, the line would frequently tangle when cast.
In part, she said, the review will seek to unravel what happened between two agencies that frequently tangle over legal standards and strategies.
Honninscrave's chain frequently tangled itself among the spears, and while he tore it free he was forced to retreat.
Great islands of craggy rock arch abruptly up out of the flats, and at sunrise and moonrise these outcroppings are frequently tangled in mist.
Based on Bougainville, Shimakawa and his comrades frequently tangled with the Cactus Air Force over Guadalcanal during the battle for that island.
A director who frequently tangled with the ratings board told me an instructive story.
Pilon tangled frequently with Big 88, exchanging punches, shoves and tackles, some of them penalized.
Peter Freyne, the political columnist for an alternative weekly in Burlington called Seven Days, also tangled frequently with the governor and once sought access to his records.
While chief judge, he frequently tangled with governors over court budgets and with lower-court judges over assignments.
The candidates fought a campaign that was often bitter, frequently tangled in legalistic circumlocution, and sometimes funny.