ACSH frequently warns against regulating chemicals without scientific proof of harms.
The compy didn't miss a step, but he frequently warned them of bumps in the path and rough edges to the scaffolding.
Mr. Chesnut said the company frequently warned its members to be wary of traps set to steal their account information.
Muller frequently warned of the long-term dangers of radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions.
Between 1797 and 1800, Dwight frequently warned audiences against the threats of this "infidel philosophy" in America.
Parents who frequently warn their children about the danger of matches occasionally leave their children alone in rooms where candles are burning, city fire officials said.
He frequently warned against the rise of Croat nationalism which, in his view, was at that time most visible in discussions about language policy.
He is said to have frequently warned his superiors about the condition of Calais.
As they ride, he frequently warns Enide that if she sees anything she should not be so bold as to speak to him about it.
He frequently warned adherents that it was futile, not to say unchristian, to preach to someone who was cold and hungry.