The ex-Gul rattled on, an old man with a new, fresh ear for the first time probably in decades.
Maybe we'll hear them with fresh ears someday and put them out, but I usually just like to start anew.
"Here, I will take them in," she said, and held out her full black skirt for the fresh ears to be dumped into it.
I'm afraid that having a fresh ear to put up with my recollections of the 'good old days' has gone to my head.
It's always better to just surrender, and then come back later to give it a go with fresh ears.
It can be difficult being faced with Job's Tears with fresh ears!
The world would be ready to hear of him with fresh ears, with open minds.
It is far easier to slice the kernels from the fresh ears than from the already cooked ones.
You've got a fresh ear would probably hear my mistakes.
Much of his music has only recently been revived and considered with fresh ears.