If you don't have fresh greenery to make garland, fake ones are practical and just as attractive.
They both turned and looked out across the fresh greenery sparkling in the April sunlight towards the solitary plume of blue smoke.
They struck a chord in him the way open sky and waving grass inspired his ancestors, and the scent of fresh greenery renewed him.
I have always regarded these leaves as sacrosanct, because they represent the only fresh new greenery in my central New Jersey winter borders.
On Dec. 11, from 6 to 8:30 P.M., participants can make a wreath of evergreen branches and other fresh greenery.
They walked between the ranks of Sudanese women who were crushing the bundles of fresh greenery in the wooden stamp pots.
Due to the relatively high humidity present year-round, it is possible to slip on fresh wet greenery in the summer, and slick ice in the winter.
In the lapis hearth decked with candles and fresh greenery a sedate fire flickered.
It would be a good four months before we saw much of fresh greenery, though I did have plenty of turnips and cabbage still in the ground.
A. I happen to love the idea of finishing a room with fresh greenery.