Under such circumstances, the PP benefited from a fresh influx of cadres, many of whom were literati.
The plan was intended to provide a fresh influx of money while preserving the land as low-income housing.
They only caused trouble, and with this fresh influx they would cause even more.
The 20th century brought a fresh influx of foreign ideas, again melded to local interests.
But now the ocean only meant customers - the regular influx of men just off fishing boats or fresh from unloading freighters at the docks.
However, with a fresh influx of leadership in the late 1990s, its fortunes have improved to some extent.
In the mid-1600s, a fresh influx of converts came into Swiss Anabaptism.
Under the earlier Hebrew monarchy there was no fresh influx of Babylonian culture into Palestine.
With the fresh influx of men - relieving the Indian division - the line was restored to its original position.
At the same time, bombings, killings and kidnappings by a tenacious insurgency have recently required a fresh influx of troops into Iraq.