And as several cast members pointed out, every Tuesday night is an opening night, giving the production a fresh weekly jolt of adrenaline.
He saw her eyes, watchful, full of concern-concern for him, ,he realized with a fresh jolt.
The thought brought me up short with a fresh jolt of panic.
He sounded so certain, it sent a shiver of dread through Selena, along with a fresh jolt of pain to her head.
The sound of his own voice, though it was only a whisper, sent a fresh jolt of pain through him.
Daniel's face hardened, and a fresh jolt of adrenaline quelled the twitchiness of his stomach.
While oversupply and low prices have nagged the industry for some time, analysts consider the drop in can consumption to be a fresh and painful jolt.
A fresh jolt of adrenaline had Jane's pulse racing once again.
But his new quintet album delivers a fresh jolt to the system, by blowing apart the refuge of allegory.