He said that to ensure that only fresh merchandise is sold, the Gold company sends inspectors to each store.
I haven't seen any fresh merchandise from Holtun or Bieme for years.
Their selection will go a long way to creating new credibility for Federated at a time when its stores need fresh merchandise and sympathetic creditors.
It also provides fresh, snappy merchandise to women who don't travel but want something colorful and light to wear under heavy coats.
Hooker executives are said to be complaining that the Australian parent has not provided the cash to keep its American stores stocked with fresh merchandise.
He competed in a whole other area, with fresh merchandise.
There was fresh merchandise to push, and no time to waste.
Stores buzz with people foraging for fresh merchandise, and this year there are three new shops to serve a growth market.
For years, all three men had worked seven days a week, a full fifty-six hours each, because most of the bakery's customers needed fresh merchandise on a daily basis.
FOG wanted to implement a method for those with food assistance to purchase fresh, local merchandise at Alachua county farmers' markets.