Then Blade was too busy coping with a fresh rush of still-fighting Blenar to shout again or to see the effects of his first cry.
A fresh lead brought a fresh rush, like speed in the bloodstream.
She had felt that same kick often over the past several days; she liked to think it was her heart stretching to receive a fresh rush of joy.
He was the crawler, a huge, tracked warfighting monstrosity with a human brain, and the thought brought a fresh rush of fear.
And then the picture came to life, the beast began to move, and the dream came back, all of it, flooding over her in a fresh rush of memory.
Budapest's millennial anniversary celebrations of the settlement of the Magyars in the region in 1896 brought a fresh rush of construction and development.
If you can't take them prisoner-" A fresh rush of enemies from the sterncastle forced Blade to turn his attention there.
I believe that it was destroyed when ... Mikhail was overwhelmed with a fresh rush of feeling.
This sent a shiver through Wall Street and stock prices quickly dropped, but word of cheap stocks brought a fresh rush of 'stags,' amateur speculators and investors.
Seeing his car parked outside his cottage brought both relief and a fresh rush of nerves, in more or less equal measure.