At the same time, I do feel like [Prometheus] might benefit from a fresh voice or a fresh take or a fresh thought.
Of "Men's Rooms," he said: "It's kind of a fresh take.
Even when the songs are familiar, Mr. Feinstein, accompanied by a trio under the direction of the pianist John Oddo, comes up with a fresh, witty take.
He never gets a fair chance; we never get a fresh take.
But we love her fresh take.
"This is a very fresh and distinctive take."
Unlike other stars who are stunted when they deviate from their specialite de la maison, Mr. Willis seems liberated by a fresh take.
Skyward Sword needs to be a fresh take.
Whereas Hopkins, preferring the spontaneity of a fresh take, liked to keep rehearsals to a minimum, Winger rehearsed continuously.
B.E.T. executives were impressed with her fresh take.