Maurus's answer to this sound piece of advice was a fresh torrent of vituperation.
A fresh torrent of tears came rushing up and spilled out of her.
Mr. MacBoil drowned the words with a fresh torrent of grief.
The blood gutters around the ring had been sluiced clean, ready for the evening's fresh torrents.
Doreen was shouting in her cell again, letting fly a fresh torrent of abuse.
The terrifying shaking continued, accompanied by fresh torrents of water slopping aft from some ruptured forward area.
As he quickly scrambled to attention, a fresh torrent of sweat covered his body, and Chekov cringed at what he knew was to come.
She burst into a fresh torrent of tears.
And now," a fresh torrent of tears, "I have to take responsibility for you, too!
Now, some analysts are saying, a final straw may be the fresh torrent of criticism directed at the president.