If not, discard and start again with fresh yeast.
Compressed fresh yeast is the moist type that is sold in 0.6-ounce and 2-ounce cakes.
A numinous flickering light and a smell of fresh yeast rose up as Vassily struggled to pull the blade out.
For the dough, mix together the fresh yeast, sugar and water and set aside until frothy.
Adding sugar to fresh yeast makes it easier to mix into the water and encourages it to ferment.
Baker's yeast is also sold as a fresh yeast compressed into a square "cake".
The fresh yeast and sugar mixture is added to the wine which rapidly stimulates fermentation in the pressurized environment.
Packaged fast-rising dry yeast works perfectly, but if you are able to find fresh yeast, by all means use it.
When the sulfur dioxide levels have subsided (about 24 hours), fresh yeast is added for fermentation.
Nearly three-quarters liquid by weight, fresh yeast can be crumbled off a block and tossed on a scale.