Power is fun, even if a freshman Congressman hasn't got any.
He is the best equipped freshman congressman we have ever sent to Washington.
As as freshman congressman, he is the 6th wealthiest member of congress (including both chambers).
But he is no longer a 33-year-old freshman Congressman or a 37-year-old freshman Senator.
It was an inspiring moment for the freshman congressman, one of five to visit the Middle East during last week's legislative recess.
His vote for the declaration of war against Germany was his first vote as a freshman congressman.
But a freshman Congressman should be in position by January to answer mail and deal with casework requests.
Many of the freshman congressmen are very young; the media dubs them "Watergate Babies".
She's married to a freshman congressman," Augustine said.
In 1970, a year that saw the election of four black freshman congressman, black membership in the House reached double-digits.