Ploima is an order of rotifers, microscopic invertebrates found in marine and freshwater habitats.
They occur in marine and freshwater habitats.
Crazy fish inhabit brackish and freshwater habitats near the coast, but they can sometimes be found upriver.
The collection includes over 16,000 worldwide species of mollusc shells, from marine, terretrial and freshwater habitats.
Based on the number of fossils discovered, the aquatic Sarcosuchus was probably plentiful in these warm, shallow, freshwater habitats.
These fish are demersal and live in tropical, freshwater habitats.
This differs from the mostly freshwater habitats inhabited by extant crocodilians.
Pomatiopsidae invaded freshwater habitats from marine ones in one or in two independent lineages.
Keratella cochlearis is found worldwide in marine, brackish and freshwater habitats.
More than 8000 species of sea sponges live in oceanic and freshwater habitats.