In contrast to Orn, Nick sounded smooth and easy, as if he ran on frictionless bearings.
As smooth as a frictionless bearing, the sled eased to a stop in front of a wide door.
Three are in contact with each other, spinning orthogonally to each other on frictionless bearings.
The new materials could be used to make frictionless bearings that would float, suspended by magnetic levitation.
That is why a compass needs to have a lightweight magnet and a frictionless bearing.
The building is on wheels with some kind of frictionless bearings.
The "float on water" technique is an easy way to create a nearly frictionless bearing.
The Consul feels the skimmer shiver and then lift off, hovering a second before spinning left like a plate on frictionless bearings.
It swung on a frictionless bearing, drawn to the signal it received.