Persuade friends and colleagues to donate their skills, expertise and services for auction at your coffee morning.
A friend donated two and a half acres in Joshua Tree.
The president's friends and supporters also donated $8 million to two of his legal defense funds.
After Luke died in a small plane crash in 1965, friends and supporters donated funds to start the museum he envisioned.
The friends have donated the settlement monies to the Fund.
A friend had donated several cases of beer from his microbrewery for the occasion.
Between 1921 and 1933, board members and their friends donated more than $2 million to Antioch.
Within a few weeks his friends and fans had donated $30,000 for his care.
A few years ago a friend donated his wine cellar.
The "friends" were founded over 30 years ago, and since then, have donated more than 850,000 dollars to the library.