Patronage in the form of federal jobs for the friends and followers of members of congress is useful for bargaining purposes.
Such leads from friends and relatives of other members are common.
Page-turners are sometimes friends of the performer or members of the accompanying orchestra helping the musician.
Its members include friends and family of members, businesspeople, professionals, and other citizens.
Its agents collaborated with local policemen who were widely known as friends of, and in some cases members of, the Ku Klux Klan.
Many who came were members, or friends of members, of this church, where the two sisters sang in the youth choir.
He is a friend of several members of the Conservative party including George Osborne and David Cameron.
Family members and friends of LifeRing members can attend meetings provided they are clean and sober at the time of the meeting.
This caused Moyles and a good friend of members of the band to shout out on the radio, live, "It's not too slow, it's perfect.
The channel started a 3 day beta testing on 25 July 2008, which was exclusively available for friends of the company and members at