A few weeks later, Danny's friends question what happened to make them not get married, but Danny avoids an answer.
Suffering from heart problems, the 76-year-old leader is now so frail that friends and critics publicly question his ability to govern.
Yesterday, police officers and friends of Ms. Banks were questioning if her death could have been prevented.
Sulu knew that his old friend would never question his orders in front of the bridge crew.
Lynsey's friends do not believe her accusations and question her state of mind, so she leaves the village.
An old friend, who is Jewish, also questioned the play's message.
But in a reminder of how hard it is to build legends about the living, friends and relatives question some claims.
Those who work in the unit report that friends and colleagues question their choice.
Our friends in these countries understandably question our sincerity.
If she carried an Atreides child, her friends would question her loyalties.