When a friend recruited him into the African National Congress army, Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), he went eagerly to a camp in Botswana to study clandestine warfare.
The Mayor and Buffy detail their respective plans to their allies, and Buffy's friends recruit other students to help.
His friends recruited him, he said.
Annie discovers a hidden room in her mother's house, and, when nobody else will take her seriously, recruits her psychic friend, Stevie (Hudson).
Chávez and his friends soon recruited more members, including Francisco Arias Cárdenas, in March 1985.
A friend of Jill's sister who worked in Time's Boston bureau recruited Abramson to find out what happened.
A friend recruited him to run, and in his first race he earned 50 rand, or $11.
The friends John Gunn and James Robinson created the band in 1956 when they met in a hospital, then later they recruited John and Peter Wadley.
He said Mr. Ragsdale's best friend had recruited the schoolyard killer.
Mr. Qishta said he had been earning less than $10 a day working on construction sites for his father when a friend recruited him to help dig a tunnel in June 2003.