Downstairs, we see that the best friend has wandered into the room he was strictly told not to go.
The two friends wandered from one heavily laden table to another.
Too bad indeed, thought Kirisin as his friend wandered away.
Almost with a sense of alarm, friends wander into my kitchen and wonder what a microwave has in common with classic French cuisine.
For a long time the friends wandered through the woods.
It was definitely not a night to let a friend wander around in a drunken stupor searching for his car.
With that he put his arm about his companion's shoulder and the two friends wandered away into the night.
When not on duty, the author and his friends wander around Australia, getting to know the people, meeting girls, and having various adventures.
The victim's best friend wanders the streets, wild with anger, frustration and grief.
Due to this fight, her friends wander off, leaving her alone.