Continued engagement of semi-hostile oil producing nations just to maintain energy imports is too extravagant when we already have the resources domestically or from friendly allies.
Nicias and Demosthenes marched their remaining forces inland in search of friendly allies.
As Bren Adahan had put it, the locals were moderately friendly allies, but there was little point in tempting either their friendliness or their moderation.
Thor proved a friendly ally.
We should, therefore, be especially appalled by the fact that our governments (and their American counterparts) have always been such friendly allies of the Saudi royals.
A hospitable planet, friendly allies, and technology to protect us.
I've never seen such a concentration of our friendly allies before.
Many of the officers had been sponsored by Hal Brognola a decade ago when the U.s. was in need of a friendly West African ally.
Fish was touted by the Germans as a friendly American ally.
On the last night he again took Mr. Grace out to dinner and, after a thoroughly enjoyable evening, said goodbye to that capable and friendly ally.