Despite popular misconceptions of skittish or flightly behavior Campbells are a very gentle, passive and friendly breed when raised by hand until maturity.
This is a very friendly breed and it normally avoids and flees from threatening situations.
It is a friendly breed that has few health issues, but can be affected by a syndrome called acral mutilation and analgesia.
The Skyrian horses are friendly, social, robust, intelligent animals; they are a particularly friendly breed.
Dexters are classified as a small, friendly, dual-purpose breed; used for milk and beef.
It is a light, friendly, and intelligent breed, with rustic-red and orange colour.
Pomeranians are typically a very friendly and lively breed of dog.
The original purpose of the breeding was to create a friendly breed less likely than wild animals to fight when put to death.
It is an exceptionally friendly breed.
It is a family friendly breed, not aggressive toward children or other animals.