Given the size and the make-up of the student body, there is a heightened competitive nature prevailing within these friendly confines.
Going home to the friendly confines of Koshien Stadium, could they turn the series around?
Ecuador defeated both regional powers in friendly confines.
He was aware within seconds that he had passed out of the friendly confines of Starlight.
How did he or she come by the know-how to fashion such friendly confines as ours?
The celebrants and their gleeful noise overflowed the friendly confines.
Suddenly, the friendly confines were not so hospitable to one of the few who had provided some hope during the bad times.
Those familiar with the friendly confines say the cat left a litter.
Now, of course, she could likely do so from the friendly confines of your vessel.
For once, home was the friendly confines for Danny Hurley.