Many have provided leadership in bringing older members of their families together in friendly dialogue.
It also connects the student population with other schools' fellows through joint schools functions and friendly dialogues.
If each actor reads two lines, then it's a friendly dialogue.
What these two superb musicians make of the Jobim catalog is a friendly dialogue between opposing points of view.
Those who carried cellular phones, displayed antidrug bumper stickers or engaged in "friendly dialogue" were also suspect.
The Taiwan representatives, while expressing a desire for friendly dialogue, took several opportunities to publicize their positions.
Private discussions: Sometimes, a discussion thread strays off into a friendly dialogue or a heated debate among a very small number of users.
When you wished for a friendly dialogue, you got it.
"This kind of friendly dialogue may lead to more support from South Korea - and that puts less pressure on China," said Professor Zhang.
I expect that a dialogue - a friendly, serious dialogue about these issues - will continue.