During a train trip in 1974 to visit his grandfather, a friendly stranger advises him to leave India and see the world.
The man also encounters friendly strangers that share their accounts of immigrating from troubled homelands.
He met his adult son for the first time in Thallonian space, but regarded him as little more than a friendly stranger.
According to Torlos, they were the first friendly strangers they had ever seen.
Tables in the bar often shared with friendly strangers.
That was the truth and the sadness of our comic isolation; of what friendly strangers we remained.
"Hey, congratulations on all your success," Nick said, a polite but friendly stranger.
More than a hundred years ago a young Hroshia encountered a friendly stranger, went off with him.
Such a proud people as the Zungans might balk at learning from even a friendly stranger.
They got out of their car, and were greeted by a small group of friendly strangers, several of whom Jackie had met before.