That's the reason for share buybacks in the first place, its a tax friendly version of dividends.
The bill also shields groups like ClearPlay that create "family friendly" versions of films by taking violent or sexually explicit scenes out of movies.
The red devil that debuted in 1895 and started as a demonic figure evolved into a much friendlier version when compared to the original.
The album features "kid friendly" versions of Ramones' songs with guest vocals and music provided by various punk musicians.
A mobile friendly version of the game was released in September 2010.
With his thick hair now carelessly tumbling over his forehead, he looked like a friendlier version of Bronte's Heathcliff.
"He invented the friendly version of the leveraged buyout."
The album contained all radio friendly versions of the group's singles.
Given the rise of smartphones/tables in the consumer space, will you offer a mobile friendly version?
Who wants to drive around with B- or C-class tyres if they can also use an environmentally friendly A-class version?