The friendly vibe, the laid-back not-so-cool crowd, the faux rural feel - I was charmed.
A superb spot to enjoy good food and an easygoing and friendly vibe, in the company of good friends.
Though infused with a friendly, blue-collar vibe, the movie suggests that a moratorium on penguins might be called for - despite the inevitable anthropomorphic void.
About 900 fans on a mild evening watched Gotsmanov resuscitate the friendly vibe at the Red Storm's home field.
L Map The Brackenbury is very much a neighbourhood restaurant, with a friendly vibe and a relaxed atmosphere.
She certainly didn't give off any friendly vibes.
It's hugely popular thanks to its prominent location and friendly vibe.
The relaxed, friendly vibe by the sea.
"In these days of big-box chain stores, people are craving a more personal shopping experience, a down-to-earth and friendly vibe," Ms. Sosna said.
F Map Combines outstanding academic record with a friendly vibe and cultural activities.