She squeezed her eyes shut, her face turning into a fright mask.
He had on a black fright mask with thick, hand painted median-gray streaks.
She held it to her chin., making a fright mask of her face, and walked up to me.
His face was a fright mask to turn the strongest stomach, and he knew it.
He seemed twice as tall as usual and was grinning like a fright mask.
Wearing a fright mask, he entered the room screaming and shouting.
The subjects' faces had turned into sweating, distorted fright masks.
On the main street, older children and college students still stalked in fright masks and painted faces.
I was beginning to think they were all freaks and fright masks here.
That's when she's not making her face into a drag-queen-doing-Mommie-Dearest fright mask.