The U.S. is now seeming to accept this frightening scenario.
Acceptance of deception over reality, over the facts, is a very frightening scenario, one with many consequences for the country's health.
The possibilities - and the frightening scenarios - are endless.
Then, before I could concoct more frightening scenarios, she was there, framed by the viewscreen.
Foreclosure is a frightening and increasingly common scenario in which homeowners lose their home because they can't make their mortgage payment.
Having seen such a frightening scenario acted out last summer and fall, will the United States Government do it again?
"That is a frightening scenario," Riker said, and he meant it.
That's such a frightening scenario that movie fans may not buy anything at all in 2006.
The possibilities seem infinite, the waiting interminable, and the worst scenario frightening: to be left out, alone.
An interesting piece on a truly frightening scenario which can await journalists who stick their necks out.