The three of them followed the blazer down the frighteningly dark passageways until they reached the kitchens.
The lane was rough and brambly and frighteningly dark.
"Lecture on the Weather" is monumental, hypnotic, eerily beautiful, and, on some level, frighteningly dark, its continuous thunder seeming to portend future apocalypse.
But that didn't keep the jump from being frighteningly dark, or relieve a silence that was a noisy pressure in his ears, or keep the cold from striking his bones.
It was frighteningly dark in there, but he forced himself to enter.
After the light of the fire, it was frighteningly dark inside the fortress.
The awful grayness in him grew darker now, swiftly turning to black, and he felt as if he were spiraling down into a frighteningly dark void.
John Doe of the band X described the disc as "A frighteningly dark & beautiful record filled w/ stark, angular, truly brutal songs & guitars.
In the doorway, bleached by the light from her candle but with the eyes frighteningly dark and glittery, blazed the furious face of Miss Harker.