Mr. Sandler's outbursts have a frighteningly realistic edge in "Punch-Drunk Love" that lifts them out of their usual farcical context.
The skin color of the death mask was almost perfect and the detail was frighteningly realistic.
The movie's special effects, which are frighteningly realistic, were created by the makeup artist Dominique Colladant, the leading prosthetics specialist in France.
Karen sympathized; that was one frighteningly realistic drop-off.
Trapped in a cycle of frighteningly realistic dreams about being buried alive, he'd welcomed the phone call that'd freed him in the early hours of the morning.
I'm afraid you're frighteningly realistic.
Plausible science fiction with a frighteningly realistic reminder of recent tragedies here and abroad.
Reviewers praise the movie's frighteningly realistic violence, especially a scene in which a husband beats his pregnant wife, causing her to miscarry.
The thing was frighteningly realistic, almost photographic.
Most of the country will probably consider this a flight of fancy, but many New Yorkers may find it frighteningly realistic.