Should they ever guess that you entertained such frightful thoughts, should we chance to regain the temples of the therns, they would mete out a frightful death to you.
Of course I've had frightful thoughts about Bob's girlfriend, but I don't even know what she looks like.
What a frightful thought.
CHAPTER ONE Niklai Tachek had a frightful thought as he stood to address the men seated around the conference table in his Kremlin office.
Qeo entertained a frightful thought.
But not before Daffyd experienced a wash of such frightful lewd thoughts that he hastily closed off all awareness.
Suddenly her brow contracted painfully, a frightful thought had stolen into her mind, she shuddered from head to foot.
When you're made a journeyman, you'll be the most cerebral torturer in history - a frightful thought.
A frightful thought then oppressed my heart.
He shook his head vigorously, then turned to me, a frightful thought having just occurred to him.