Out on the frigid and treacherous sea, a crab boat is certainly nowhere near a grocery store or a hospital.
They must have traveled some distance north in order to find this frigid sea.
Some icy breath of the unknown seemed to blow down from the frigid, airless seas between the planets.
Crossing the frigid seas, Shackleton stood in the bow, exposed to the elements.
Vaulting from her seat, she plunged headlong into the frigid black sea.
The Eskimos consigned them to a raft of ice in a frigid sea.
The vessel took 84 hands into the frigid sea; none survived.
In those frigid seas, how could a long tunnel through solid ice remain open?
Uhura labored at the water's edge, her back to him and her hands nearly elbow deep in the frigid sea.
During this time, they were worn by sailors, seal hunters, and fishermen to protect them from the frigid seas.