Despite the frigid weather, the snow on the slopes was thin.
The vines thrive well into early fall when the frigid weather finally cuts them down.
Ten candidates campaigned for the office in frigid weather, including others who were not residents.
Two hours before game time, students with tickets stood outside in frigid, windy weather waiting to be admitted.
By this time, spring is well on its way and the danger of frigid weather has gone by.
The frigid weather, compounded by high winds, will remain through the week, he said.
The soldiers often talked about it, however, with the same resignation that they spoke of the frigid weather.
He never owned as television set or a vehicle, preferring to walk, even in the most frigid weather.
The crew had to deal with hot temperatures during the day and "frigid" weather at night.
It was not the frigid weather, even though the baseball probably felt like a shot put.