The government asks us to assess penalties against Crain for bringing this frivolous appeal, as is authorized by Fed.
The full range of sanctions in Rule 38 hereafter shall be summoned in response to a totally frivolous appeal.
The Court also took another unusual housekeeping action today, aimed not at frivolous appeals but at one the Justices evidently regarded as fraudulent.
The court ruled that Parker had raised a "frivolous" appeal.
But it added that there was nothing to deter indigent petitioners from filing frivolous appeals.
Officials said farmers were flooding the courts with frivolous appeals in an effort to stymie the land reform program.
Sometimes, however, the decision of the lower proceeding is itself admissible as evidence, thus helping to curb frivolous appeals.
New Hampshire also does not permit withdrawal, but specifically exempts a potentially frivolous appeal from being subject to attorney sanctions.
While a good flirt was always a sight to behold, flirtation seemed to lose its frivolous appeal for me, and apparently, others as well.
In particular, they contend, corporations often use their enormous resources to unfairly delay trial, pursue frivolous appeals, and contest claims in which liability is clear.