These fees are modest, but a person shown to be appealing in a frivolous or vexatious manner may have the costs of the appeal hearing awarded against him.
She couldn't dress in a frivolous manner.
Finally, my request, which as the Court will now realize, I make in no frivolous manner and which I hope will therefore be granted.
I have never heard any woman I know act in the frivolous and stupid manner depicted by Ms. Klaus.
If they do so in what is legally described as a frivolous manner, however, they can face penalties.
On the other hand, the author often used religious plots to highlight contemporary problems, often in the most frivolous manner.
Thanks to his rather frivolous manner he gives the impression of being irresponsible, but in fact Loni is resourceful and has a strong sense of justice.
Whenwe are alone,Athena, you may surely set aside that frivolous manner and indulge in yoursecret vice?
She has been allowed to dispose of her time in the most idle and frivolous manner, and to adopt any opinions that came in her way.
As he said, they were "playing away their youth and day-time in a miserably joyous frivolous manner".