The defendants call the prosecution frivolous and politically motivated.
The "safeguards to prevent frivolous prosecutions" are laughable.
The cost of private prosecution, including potential civil liability for malicious prosecution, can also deter frivolous prosecutions.
That power makes Washington nervous, feeling it would be vulnerable to unfair or frivolous prosecution.
With the Pentagon leading the way, the administration contended that American soldiers could be subject to frivolous or politically motivated prosecutions in such a court.
The International Criminal Court, designed to try only the most heinous international crimes, contains ample safeguards against frivolous prosecutions.
His delegation won significant protections against frivolous prosecutions.
There are safeguards to prevent frivolous prosecutions.
Opponents fear that with United States power a large target anywhere, Americans on duty abroad would be vulnerable to frivolous or ideologically motivated prosecutions.
The Pentagon's objections are misplaced, as the court will have sufficient safeguards to prevent frivolous prosecutions.