Questions directly pertaining to the Shadow are to be avoided, as are frivolous questions.
It is explained that spirits will not answer frivolous questions.
This is not a frivolous question, but a measure of acceptance by neighbors in the region.
What the earliest speaking ancestors spoke about is hardly a frivolous question.
It's a less frivolous question than it first seems; getting inside the minds of monkeys tells us much about what it means to be a monkey.
It is a frivolous question to ask whether I agree with it or not.
It is also common for students to stop by to tease the teacher or ask frivolous questions.
"That's not a frivolous question, man," said Junior Jones.
Min wanted to ask Siuan why the pair of them suddenly looked so much younger, but there was no time for frivolous questions.
It's not so frivolous a question.