It was the kind of room that took either serious bucks or an exceptionally high credit limit from Visa.
Data from Visa is considered a reliable gauge of the economy because $17 out of every $100 is spent on its 500 million cards.
At the same time, merchants may say this is no different from Mastercard or Visa, so why should we pay a premium for it.
The payWave card from Visa is also passed in front of a reader.
Perhaps the strongest sales numbers for the weekend came from Visa, which processes credit card payments and other transactions.
"American Express still faces the problem it has always faced," said a statement from Visa.
Above, an ad from Visa emphasizes a multilayered approach to security.
But the cash will not come from Visa.
They came up with $13,000 between them; $70,000 more came from Visa and Mastercard.
On investigation, they discovered that the first agency had failed to get proper authorisation from Visa for the transaction.