Sounds drifted in from outside-passing autos, children being called in from their play.
New standards for reducing air pollution from autos were agreed to in a House-Senate conference committee.
Two-thirds of the United States' $60 billion trade deficit with Japan comes from autos and auto parts.
Along one edge, a series of auto parts shops are said by many residents to sell parts from stolen autos.
Get this: Pounds put me with Porter from autos.
The selloff extended from airlines, trucks and autos, to banks, chemical companies and high-tech stocks.
From autos and real estate to retailing and banking, some leading American industries were battered last year.
More fundamentally, the country must turn away from the crony capitalism that led to wasteful investments in everything from autos to airplanes.
He added that the shift in migration will benefit the California economy, spurring spending on everything from autos to housing.
Japanese companies in industries ranging from autos to printing ink are taking a similar tack.