So far, their wariness, plus the darkness and the roughness of the terrain, had protected them from casualties.
"We can explain two extra mounts as left from casualties from the battle, but ten?"
We were about to get into a nasty scrap, and there was no use allowing the French to start it free from casualties.
Schweinfurt suffered from heavy casualties during the Napoleonic Wars of 1796-1801.
During one year alone his losses from marine casualties amounted to $500,000.
During this war China attempted to conquer Sikkim, but suffered from higher casualties.
I am inclined to believe from other casualties that the destruction, though reported as an instantaneous explosion, was not that.
It takes a camera on the spot to shake the public, which is why the Pentagon likes to keep cameras at a distance from casualties.
Each year, the Afghan army lost an estimated 15,000 soldiers, 10,000 from desertion and 5,000 from casualties sustained in battle.
There were no immediate reports from Khartoum of major resistance or casualties in the coup.