This week, she called the years of waiting with no news or encouragement from detectives frustrating and disheartening.
McMullan says most journalists tried to stay one step removed from private detectives.
The family of a murder victim have accepted a donation to a trust fund in their son's name from detectives who worked on the case.
During this time, he reputedly helped the young Stalin hide from detectives.
And I also have three other reports from private detectives.
He also has the sort of smart mouth that sounds great coming from private detectives but always winds up getting a cop in trouble.
In addition there were masses of reports from the spies and detectives.
"We have lived very well together," he said in between answering questions from detectives.
It is this which drew suspicion from detectives who are now investigating the role of the show in these deaths.
Mr. Wilson said he did not hear from detectives until last week.