They had discovered so much, from electrons to galaxies.
It is a process by which lasers are used to remove energy from electrons of a given molecule to slow or cool the molecule down.
This partial positive charge can then form weak bonds by attraction from electrons in other molecules.
As part of their work, the team attempted to make the switch from electrons to protons.
Mr. Stoppard would have us believe that his spies are behaving no differently from electrons.
He is best known for developing the full theory of radiation from electrons travelling at close to the speed of light.
It is the time taken by 9,192,631,770 cycles of radiation that comes from electrons moving between two energy levels of the caesium-133 atom.
The electrons "try to get" as far from other electrons as is possible.
This signal is caused by cyclotron radiation from electrons that are accelerated in Jupiter's magnetic field.
The more repulsion from other electrons in the atom, the less energy is required.