Marine products such as milkfish and tilapia are harvested from local fisheries.
Both populations are now naturally produced in the lake without further help from fisheries.
In 1999-2000, the government earned 7,073,184 takas as revenue just from fisheries of the haor.
This is considered an endangered species due to huge pressure from fisheries throughout its range.
This bill seeks to produce greater accountability and transparency from fisheries management decision makers.
After a lull in growth during the 1990s, due to pathogens, production took off again and by 2007 exceeded the capture from wild fisheries.
Seafood was once plentiful, but it is becoming harder to come by due to pressure from international fisheries.
In addition it should be noted that these figures do not include economic totals from commercial or tribal fisheries.
The common wisdom has been that a lack of food, caused by competition from fisheries or climate change, is responsible.
Subsidies actually went from agriculture and fisheries to the other sectors.