They're from a creature dead about ten years, no sign of unusual disease or fractures, at least in these two bones.
Simon was suffering from multiple fractures, a dislocated hip and a severe loss of blood.
They can also result from fractures sustained in an accident.
Also, the stronger your bones are the less likely you are to suffer from fractures so the right nutrients can help to prevent them.
One forms by eruptions from fractures on the flank of the volcano.
How can I protect myself from fractures if I have osteoporosis?
Doctors said the teen-ager suffered from multiple fractures and had been comatose since Sunday.
Getting treatment early can save you from painful, disfiguring fractures and future disability.
They said most of the injured were children suffering from multiple fractures and lacerations.
The general died on the way to the hospital from multiple fractures, the press office said.