The gene expression analysis helps to find out the reasons of brain disease rising from genes.
These are usually derived from viral genes, which explain their high immunoreactivity.
A more specific reason for thinking regeneration is not a wholly lost ability comes from genes.
These sheep are very small, at times it may not even be from breeding, but from genes being lost through time.
These conditions generally result from multiple genes (perhaps hundreds or even thousands) interacting with the environment to cause disease.
It is believed that certain personality characteristics are passed down from genes.
This is the principle that hereditary information moves only from genes to body cells, and never in reverse.
The Harvard scientists looked for similarities among exons from completely different genes.
Studies reported here show that: a) Transcripts from genes not concerned by the mutation are present at the same level in both strains.
It's a very difficult disorder to isolate because it apparently arises from several different defective genes.