They are probably very little different from the earlier inhabitants.
From 291 inhabitants of 1858, in 1871 the town had 1,485.
In the period between 1979 and 1989, the population rose from 53,016 to 57,502 inhabitants.
The population has grown from 7072 inhabitants in 1801 to the current 24,038.
It is thought that the name may come from the previous inhabitants of the area.
There would be no danger to fear from the inhabitants of the city.
Since 1990 has shown a high rate of population growth, rising from 3,373 to 14,309 inhabitants in 2001.
Between 1960 and 1970, the population grew 470%, from 1,809 inhabitants to 10,317.
Within months, the city's population had increased by nearly three-quarters, from 25,000 to 40,000 inhabitants.
The affect has been to separate the visitors from poor local inhabitants.