And those who receive tips from insiders may also face penalties unless they did not know of the insider's connection to the affected company.
The pressures are unusual, in part, because they come from cautious insiders, not dissidents.
Indeed, a kitty has been established at Ford to collect money from insiders who refer to the new minivan with the old name.
However, the popular mayor earned a moderate victory despite tepid support from insiders.
Terminal's protection from authorized insiders is an impossible task.
Finally, if you're looking to make it on the concert scene, here's some advice from insiders:
While the bill has few overt critics, it may encounter resistance from Congressional insiders who have used their influence to secure projects back home.
Also adding to supply is the fact that as newly public Internet concerns age, more stock hits the market from executives and insiders.
Carping will of course come from insiders jockeying for authority over the choices.
In modern politics, primary elections have been an important vehicle for taking decision-making from political insiders to the voters.