How did civilization get from mosaics to Jumbotrons?
Characteristics of the hydraulis have been inferred from mosaics, paintings, literary references, and partial remains.
Pictorial evidence of Roman fishing comes from mosaics which show nets.
The maps prepared directly from mosaics of satellite photography are stunning, the best I have seen.
The Acheiropoietos has been dated from its bricks and mosaics to ca. 450-470, making it perhaps the earliest of the city's surviving churches.
Pictorial evidence of Roman fishing comes from mosaics.
The artists also appear to have visited Palermo before Sigena, as some influence from mosaics there can be seen.
There is evidence from mosaics and a few inscriptions that some Roman paintings were adaptations or copies of earlier Greek works.
Figures in colorful robes, looking like fugitives from Byzantine mosaics, sauntered through the spacious square.
Ironically, most of our evidence for the use of these methods in Roman times come from mosaics where, apparently, such errors have been overlooked.