"We just got back from her last appointment."
Umm Badri, 50, had just come from a doctor's appointment in the neighborhood.
Only nine cases were heard by the court from his appointment in 1789 until his death in 1798.
As a punishment, he was removed from his political appointment and sent back to regimental duty.
Much of his commercial success resulted from his appointment as court photographer in 1891.
I celebrated with a $5 cab ride from my last appointment to my front door.
Get the most from your doctor's appointment with these tips on what to do before - and during - the appointment.
He earlier served from his appointment in June 1968 through 1980, and from 1984 through 1988.
She did mention it was personal, and with women, that could mean anything from a doctor's appointment to shopping for a friend's birthday.
He stood at the consequent 13 December election that resulted in part from his appointment, but was defeated.