The restaurant has no menu, you simply choose from our selection of fish or shellfish from that day's fresh catch.
Settle down here and spend the rest of his days dining on raw fish stolen from the monster's catch?
As it happened, they put it down to debris from the trawler's catch.
Make your selection from the day's catch then take a seat under the green awning and watch it being cooked.
Come over here early in the morning and you will be the first to pick from the previous night's catch.
You'll join a local fisherman on his creel boat and eat a lochside lunch from the day's catch.
With every button she released from its catch, she pressed her sweet mouth against his burning skin.
"I love the hunt and know the thrill of the kill," he said, still elated from his catch.
The fisherman turned from his catch and raised his arm to throw again.
He presses a button, a low buzz sounds, and a cell door, freed from its catch, gives a little start.